Rat in A Bag

A bag with the text "Rat in a bag" written on it. By Benjamin C. Roy Cory Garrett A rat pokes out of a bag with the text "Rat in a bag" written on it.

The Rat in a Bag Zine

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DI.04.01- I became Benjamin C. Roy Cory Garrett by accident, and now you can too!

photo of the Press Kit


I became Benjamin C. Roy Cory Garrett by accident, and now you can too!

The Benjamin C.ROy Cory Garrett Press Kit

By Benjamin C. Roy COry Garrett

Have you ever wanted to become Benjamin C. Roy Cory Garrett but didn’t know where to begin? Now you can! With the new, “Becoming Benjamin C. Roy Cory Garrett” press kit here right before your eyes!

How to be Benjamin C. You Cory Garrett:

  • Use and misuse languagisms that are at least a decade out of date. LIke forgetting to put vowels in the word yr, capitalizing the first two letters of every seventh sentence, or saying “That was so funny I just ROLF’d all over myself.”
  • Never use quotation marks unless you are implying something gross or inappropriate.
  • Yes, Start most sentences either with the word “No,” or the phrase, “thank you very much,” or an emphatic head nod. Make it difficult to tell if you are agreeing or disagreeing with the previous statement, unless you are talking to an actual person.
  • Speaking of speaking, NEVER speak, write or imply the word “bitch.” As a matter of fact, avoid all (hetero)sexist, racist and ablest langage that would identify you as a terrible human being. Save yr hate for systems of oppression, the people that willing propagate them, and yourself.
  • DRaw lots of pictures of hands and feet. Leave them in places where they might be confused for love letters.
  • Obsess over unicorns.
  • You cannot lose what you have already given away, so GIVE IT AWAY girlfriend, if you dare! And if you don’t, gamble: Birthdays, birth states, pants, poems, trust, etc.
  • Carry always some strange “thing” in yr pocket. PErhaps dice? Perhaps the invitation to a banana bread and molotov cocktail party from the spouse of one of your professors? Whatever “it” is  (the strange-ness in your pocket) should be embarrassing to you and possibly one other person should it fall out of yr pocket at an airport or while you are being frisked entering a correctional center.
  • Pockets are cool. Carry with you as many of them as possible, preferably not on your pants (those can be lost in a game of dice).
  • Speaking of things carried, if you are white and especially if you are male, never every carry a firearm while becoming Benjamin C. Roy Cory Garrett. Benjamin C. Roy Cory Garrett is not a pacifist, and will not speak ill of armed insurrection, but no one will believe that you are he if you are a white man with a gun.
  • SPeaking of skin, get terrible tattoos at every opportunity, the more visible the better! If anyone asks why, tell them you wanted to make sure that no one would ever sleep with you again.
  • Speaking of yr love live, ALWAYS support and believe in people and the impossible. Do not give up on either (people or the impossible), but learn to listen when people tell you no. Neither people nor the impossible happen the way that you will expect and you cannot love or make love to someone you are trying to control.
  • Never get caught believing in things or idea or especially places.
  • VERY IMPORTANT: BOston is not real. This is not a joke and you cannot budge on yr disbelief, no natter what evidence is presented to the contrary. The easiest way to see through a Benjamin C. Roy Cory Garrett impersonator is to ask them what they think of the Boston Redsocks. 
  • Admit to everything.
  • Never get caught.

DI-03.01 – Juicy Fruit

Author: Jimmy "the Perv"
Rev History
Rev .00 - 12/12/2015
Rev .01 - 03/18/2022

Juicy Fruit

I don’t believe in Destiny, Karma, Fate, or any of that other hippy-dippy non-sense. I don’t believe in Fairies or Unicorns, and never in one thousand years did I believe I would end up a farmer.


The Breezy Bean Eco-Farmstead and Permaculture Center, was and might still be located in south-western Iowa, ‘bout 50 miles off the Missouri river and the same out the city of Omaha, Nebraska. The land is flat and beautiful. The dirt is black as potting soil and every bit as soft and giving. It was the kind of place begging for someone to plant roots deep down into, and that’s exactly what the Greenbeans did. Oak and River Greenbean to be precise. 

This is a true story, not an allegory. 

The Greenbeans were regular people who ended up becoming Greenbeans in the first place as a choice they made for themselves together when they got hitched: “It’s more egalitarian that way,” they said, “rather than favoring one person’s name or the other.” In other words and other times, it would have been appropriate to call the Greenbeens a couple of hippies, but those words and times would fail to capture the changes in counterculture between the late sixties and the early aughts. River and Oak might have been farmsteaders, but they had spent their youth fighting neo-nazis in city streets and moshing the nights away, same as me. 

I could call River and Oak Greenbean an attractive couple, but that would be severely understating the level of raw, sexy, hot-Hot-HOT that comes from combining human beings that in love with each other, the world and their own roles in it. Real talk now, as their assistant, I was more than a touch infatuated with the both of them in ways I was not ready to admit or manage. Working on the farm, I was sinking ever deeper into a titillating tension of  personal discomfort on account of how comfortable the Greenbeans were with nudity and public acts of titulation.

It would over-complicate this story now to speak of the interworking dynamics of an anti-authoritarian worker’s collective and the complex emotional web of young field hands that come and go over the course of a growing season at Breezy Bean, so instead of going off into the weeds with those details, let’s us pretend, for the sake of simplicity, that I was all alone as an field hand on this farm.


Alone with Oak, River, and the two little string beans that River and Oak had thus far brought forth onto this earth: Duck and Goose. Oak, River, Goose and Duck. Each and every one of them was perfect and happy running butt-naked, wild and free around the growing humid heat of a river valley summer. Each and everyone out there at the Breezy Bean but me.

It is shockingly unspectacular to admit that I, Jimmy the Perv, have a predictably droll and boring sense of shame, but there it is! I do. Especially in regards to the human body and my repressed sexualities.

Especially in regards to human bodies and sexy-sexualities in close proximity to my own.

Who wants to hear, much less tell, a tale of body-shaming cowardice in the face of sexual opportunity? Can’t I just bend the truth here–just a touch–for the sake of my own ego? Can’t I paint a picture of bravadocious, polyamorous explorations and liberatory sexual transcendence?


But if I were to lie to you, here, about something as mundane as my own muddled sexual identity, rooted in disgrace, then how will I ever have the opportunity to discover if there is a deeper truth that exists within myself? No, my indignity cannot be evaded with a lie, not even one of omission. I am that deviant per-vert mortified only by the possibility that I too might be capable of experiencing sexual gratification without causing harm or discomfort to those around me.

In the service of making peace with this reality, I have found it best practice to excuse myself from the distressingly frequent opportunities that I have been presented with to participate in acts of collaborative nudity and sexual revelry. There is no un-awkward to turn down an orgy, but I have learned how to find less-awkward ways of making myself unavailable for the circumstances that lead to them. Unfortunately, even this skill proved difficult to exercise effectively at Breezy Bean Eco-Farmstead and Permaculture Center.

There are just certain hard limits to the potential for modesty on a not-quite-hippy-dippy Eco-farmstead due to the circumstantial necessities of life on a not-quite-hippy-dippy Eco-Farmstead.

Oak and River, like true environmentally-responsible stewards, had decided not to include any unsustainable, bourgeois entrapment like an indoor bathroom into the farmhouse of their dreams—or “The Stalk,” as it was called by the Beans. Instead, they opted to “always piss into the wind,” and built an external self-composting outhouse for bodily functions not related to urination. For the bathing functions typically reserved for the privacy of a bathing room, River and Oak dug out a pond in the middle of their property, to be shared by all Eco-Farmstead and Permaculture Center residents and called this monster of indecency: “The Cleaning Hole.”

No pun intended, but farming is dirty work. 

As a farmer, you either bathe daily or else stink in such a fashion as to be capable of smelling yourself over the stank of the cow manure you are shoveling.  Oak and River made a habit of taking their daily bath together, at the end of the workday, and suggested that I did the same. Having a particular appreciation for the physical forms of the adult human Greenbeans, I found the idea of joining the two of them in the Cleaning Hole to be more than I was emotionally prepared to handle.

At least it was more than I wanted to handle in the company of others.

Instead of heeding their daily suggestion to “jump in,” I would excuse myself from the moment by slapping my stomach with both hands and insist that it was an ethical imperative to prioritize eating over hyjinx…er, hygiene. River or Oak were either kind of oblivious to my discomfort at the idea of joining them, or obliviously kind enough not to make an issue of it, but in either case, it didn’t prevent them from thoroughly investigating each other’s every last nook and cranny in full view of the only and outdoor kitchen on the farm.

An outdoor kitchen makes a lot more sense in practice than it might in theory to the uninitiated farmhand. You don’t really have to worry that much about cleaning the floors and, in the hot months of summer, a full open breeze is no minor salvation. The full view of fields and the tree line behind them is quite pleasant as well, although, in relative proximity to the Cleaning Hole, it could be, at times, a little too pleasant.

To distract myself, every evening after the work day, I would give my entire attention to the act of peeling spuds, rinsing sprouts, or quartering cucumbers, while Oak and River would give theirs to rubbing themselves and each other up, and down, and all ‘round that Cleaning Hole. They would spare me not one sideways glance to notice the great lengths I went to avoid glancing back. It was like they didn’t even care how carefully I paid them absolutely no attention what-so-ever. 

No attention at all.

Not one little peek over to the glistening globules of water drops and all-natural Castile bio-degradable suds dancing pregnantly down backs and fingers and nipples and all the other parts of those closely enamored human bodies I was not paying no mind. No! The entirety of my being remained firmly immersed in the duty of over-cooking and slightly burning every dish that I ever attentively prepared for dinner.


It would be fair to say  that, by my sixth week on the Bean, a tension had arisen within me that was starting to press hard up against my meager limits of self-control. I was living as a guest in a small farmhouse occupied by a family of four. It was a lifestyle that afforded me few solitary opportunities to allay my straining floodgate. If I was going to keep from embarrassing myself with a set of soggy underpants, I was going to have to get creative and make some serious me time away from peeping ears and eyes.


Conceptually, I have never been a fan of bathroom masturbation, not even under the most welcoming of circumstances. However,  touching myself downtown in an outhouse was completely out of the question. Equally as disturbing, there was never a moment of the day that little feet and eyes weren’t on the prowl inside or out, so any daytime delight around the Bean was a definitive no-go for me, no matter how normal such a thing probably was there. Night was really just as difficult an option. The Stalk was so fully utilized by its Beans that the probability of someone walking in on me was too great to risk anywhere inside I could think of.

The pressure of the situation continued to build and build until late one night, after a particularly sensuous and vigorous River-and-Oak-bathing session, I resolved to grab hold of my own destiny before it escaped nocturnally on its own. I decided to sneak out and please myself beneath the moon and summer stars like the primitive primate of a human being I had become.

It wasn’t uncommon for folks to get up in the middle of the night and step outside to relieve themselves off the porch, or even make trips down to the composting crapper, so—to not be disturbed—I needed to put some space between the house and myself. A couple hundred yards from The Stalk, across the vegetable beds, there was a copse of oak, walnut and maple trees that seemed like as private a place as I was going to find to do my deed, and so I wandered softly off in that direction with one hand in my pants—“pre-gaming”—and looking forward to getting done with this whole embarrassing situation as quickly as possible.

I was about half way across the farthest field, about 50 feet from the tree line when I heard a combination of a howl and a grunt from ahead that nearly unnerved me enough to give up my errant quest. I am not saying the creature residing inside that bunch of trees was a mama bear or a werewolf, but the idea of invading any unknown creature’s home to profane myself seemed both reckless and terrifying. I knew I wasn’t going to walk any closer to those woods, but it had been so long since I had even touched myself that I could tell I wasn’t far from coming round the home stretch.

The fear of the unknown ahead and the potential for discovery behind only further stimulated my need, and so, right there, in the middle of that field, I decided to chance it and finish what I had started.  The garden bed had housed lettuce through the first half of the season, but we had harvested the whole crop a week earlier and had just re-plowed it that morning with the intention of seeding it down with some late season greens for harvest in early fall. The field, still freshly plowed and smelling of renewal, provided me full visibility to the line of ominous trees in front of me—on the chance that untold creature got curious and left its den—but was still hidden enough from human view by the beds of peppers and tomatoes between me and The Stalk. Exhilarated by the possible dangers lurking on either side of me, and working with over a month of intensifying sexual tension, I made short work of the task at hand, my relief exploding into the dark soil beneath me.

I was free! 

Free of a weight that had been dragging my entire life down into a perverse cycle of inappropriate daydreams and near misses of awkward moments involving children and half-dreamt self-fulfilling fantasies. I had found a means to escape my torment that would be repeatable if necessary, and I could serve out the rest of the summer sentence on the farm without walking around like a sexually charged firecracker waiting to go off. I apologized in a whisper to whatever mythical creature may have witnessed my rather anticlimactic performance, and made my way over to the Cleaning Hole to tidy myself up a touch before heading back inside to get the best night of sleep I had had at the Breezy Bean.


I awoke late the next morning.

Unfailingly, I had been the second person to awaken all summer in The Stalk as a result of sleeping in the community space that all rooms opened onto—but not that next morning. My exertion the night before had so thoroughly liberated me from my torments that I slept straight through the morning rituals of the Greenbeen family, and the sun was already up well into the sky by the time I opened my eyes.

Equally strange, the house—which never failed to be full of life and voices during the day—was completely empty. Pleasantly confused, I picked myself up, put on my work shirt and walked out on the porch to see if they had packed into the Bio-diesel van to make a run in to town or to visit relatives. I looked first to the driveway and saw the old rusty-white cargo van right in its usual resting spot but—turning around and facing the vegetable beds—I saw what had drawn the whole family outside. The farthest field, the one I had soiled the night before, was no longer barren.

Over the course of the hours I had been asleep, a jungle of giant vines—thick as my wrist—had overtaken the entire eighth-acre plot. The giant vine field would have been enough to draw anyone’s attention, but what had drawn all the Beans—Oak, River and both of the Stringbeans—out into jubilant revelry was the massive, fully ripened Moon N’ Stars watermelons growing along those vines—each one swolled up to the size of a beach ball! Upon seeing me up and out of the house, Duck—the littlest of the Beans—ran back to the house to fetch me and drag me by the arm  over to the “Miracle!” I was in as much shock as anyone, but whereas they were dancing with joy around the largest, most succulent crop they had ever grown, I was overwhelmed again by a sense of shame and terror.

Not even the night could hide me from the consequence of my discomforting desires. 

No one else at Breezy Bean seemed concerned in the slightest about where these monster melons could have come from. However, being relatively certain I held the answer to within my grasp the previous night, I figured it was my responsibility to urge caution as River and Oak were already in the process of trying to separate a particularly plump fruit from its vine.

“Hold on a minute, are y’all sure that we should be harvesting this strange fruit and not calling in some scientists to make sure that it is safe to—”

But my protests were cut short by the hacking swing of a machete severing fruit from vine. Freed from its stalk, the melon dropped on its side and burst open upon contact with the ground. Unable to contain the virulent life inside it any longer, the exploding fruit splattered everyone present in sweet ruby juices and chunks of delectable sweet flesh. The scent was somewhere between honey and sunshine and the flavor of melon soaked into our every pore. For Oak, River and the Stringbeans, this multi-sensory experience produced an immediate fervor for feasting: munching, licking and touching each other in all the possible ways that led to this situation in the first place. I could feel the chemical compulsion of pheromones  pulling me towards them, just as strongly as they were feeling compelled towards me, but, aware the origins of this impulse, I maintained just enough of my shame-ridden sense self to run, screaming, from that humiliating field.

I ran and I ran—dripping with juices that could only be described as my own. For miles I ran—terrified to turn back—to face the evidentiary spectacle of my own perversions. I ran and I ran for days. For years. For ever. 

Under a sun still baking shame into my skin.

DI.02.01- Project Araphel

Author: Various
Rev History
Rev .00 - 09/26/16
Rev .01 - 03/17/2022

The Project Araphel Archive

Press Release

Newhaven, East Sussex, UK, 26/02/2016, 7:34am GMT, Surrey NanoSystems 

What is Vantablack™?

Vantablack™ surface coating is not paint, pigment or fabric, but a functional ‘micro-forest’ of millions upon millions of incredibly small nano tubes made of carbon (CNT). Every nanotube in the Vantablack™ forest has an approximate diameter of twenty nanometers. That’s about 3,500 times smaller than the diameter of the average human hair! Despite it’s inconceivable thinness, each nanotube can measure twenty-five microns in length, allowing for a material density previously non-manufacturable. One cubic centimeter of Vantablack™ surface area contains approximately one billion nanotubes.

What does Vantablack™ look like?

Some say that it is impossible to “see” Vantablack™ as so little light is reflected from the surface. However, any observer’s brain will, of course, try to make sense of what it is seeing, with the result that some people describe it like looking into a deep hole! A piece of aluminum foil that has been creased and wrinkled in a random fashion and then coated in our patented Vantablack™ process will take on the appearance of being a smoothly flat black surface or even a void in space. The almost total lack of light reflected from the Vantablack™ surface prevents the eye from detecting any surface detail.

How dark is it?

Vantablack™ has been recognized by Guinness World Records as the world’s darkest man-made substance. It is the darkest material ever measured by the national physical laboratory in Teddington, UK, reflecting only 0.036% of the light that strikes it.

Why is it so dark?

Light striking a Vantablack™ surface enters the space between the nanotubes and is rapidly absorbed as it bounces from tube to tube and simply cannot escape as the tubes are so long in relation to their diameter and the space between them. The near total lack of reflectance creates almost perfect black surfaces. To understand the effect, try to imagine walking in a forest in which the trees were nearly two miles tall.

Is Vantablack™ safe?

Yes, in suitable applications.

Can I use Vantablack™ in Art?

Vantablack™ is generally not suitable for use in art due to the way in-which it’s made. The coating’s performance beyond the visible spectrum results in it being classified as a dual use material subject to UK Export Control. We have therefore chosen to license Vantablack™ exclusively to Kapoor Studios UK to limit the exploration of Vantablack™ as an artistic medium to Mr. Kapoor’s careful discretion.


ARTWAR @Art(a)War – Feb 29

#AnishKapoor has absorbed 99.96% of himself. http://dailysnail.com/27/02/573023

Online Article


PUBLISHED: 6:08 pm EST – 27 Feb 2016

By: Alina Sooke

For most of us, black is black. But the great artists find the subject of the color spectrum a more nuanced discussion. Which is why one artist, Sir Anish Kapoor has the Art world up in arms. Working with Surry NanoSystems,  Kapoor has redefined what it means to “Paint it Black.”

Vantablack, originally designed to disguise satellites and advance the range of Stellar telescopes, is a Black so dark your eyes can barely see it. Kapoor describes it himself as being “so black, it has a kind of unreal quality to it. I have always been attracted to rather exotic materials because of what they can make you feel. Imagine a space so dark, that as you walk in, you lose all sense of who you are, what you are and also all sense of time. Something happens to your emotional self and in disorientation you have to reach inside yourself for something else.”

But not every artist shares the Kapoor vision for Vantablack’s limited use. Christian Furr, the youngest artist ever commissioned to paint the Queen, had planned to use Vantablack in a series of paintings called “Animals”. Upon finding out that the material was unavailable for artistic use, he had this to say: “I’ve never heard of an artist monopolizing a material like this, and I think it is criminal. Using pure black in an artwork grounds it. All the best artists have had a thing for pure black – Turner, Monet, Goya. This black is like dynamite in the art world and Kapoor is using it to hold us all hostage.”

When asked to respond to Mr. Furr’s comments, Kapoor said, “If Christian really needed a deeper shade of black for his little paintings, maybe he should have invested the time and resources to invent one like I did.”


Paint Missbehavin @PaintMissy_1 – Feb 29

What is #AnishKapoor up to that requires exclusive rights to #VantaBlack ? #Illumniati ? #NewWorldOrder

Tadeas Waves @ Tadeas4All – Feb 29

@PaintMissy_1 IDK but here in Egypt he has #ProjectAraphel http://egyptianchronicles.blogspot.com//2014/03/Kapooring-into-town

Online Article

EGYPTIAN CHRONICLES: The Egypt you don’t know

Friday, March 18, 2014 – KAPOORING INTO TOWN

ST. CATHERINE – Over the last two weeks, this quaint tourist town has seen an influx of large trucks and construction equipment but if you ask a local, no one seems to know why? Well an inside Chronicler has done some digging and given us the scoop! A construction camp has been established a mile south of the township, containing at least 4 JBC back actor tractors and 16 cargo cars delivered by semi-trucks. Although none of the drivers could identify the contents of their crates, the paperwork is made out in the name of Kapoor Studios UK, which is the production company of the recently knighted British-Indian sculptor Anish Kapoor, creator of the ‘ArcelorMittal Orbit’ Olympic Tower in 2012.

What is an artist of Kapoor’s stature doing out in the deserts of Sinai?  Speculation will remain rampant as almost an entire square kilometer has been fenced off out in a desert valley and the construction team remains tightlipped about their work. The only bit of news we have been able to get is from a township official wishing to remain anonymous. He says that Mr. Kapoor’s Studio has purchased rights to a remote site for a private art installation that will be several years in the constructing. Despite our relentless questioning, we could get no additional information from Kapoor Studios other than being told to look forward to Project Araphel in the first half of the year 2016. For now, that cryptic name appears to be all the studio is willing to reveal, but you can be sure the Egyptian Chronicles will keep you, our faithful readers, in the know as more information becomes available.

Posted by Atom at 2:37 PM

Labels: Mt. Sinai, Anish Kapoor, Art, St. Catherine

Reference Research

NAS Old Testament Hebrew  Lexicon



1. cloud, heavy or dark cloud, darkness, gross darkness, thick darkness.


Transcription from a Shabbat service provided by Rabbi Jacobs at Temple Israel, Alton, Illinois, 1987:

…As we read this week from the book of Exodus, I remind you that we have two words in Hebrew that translate as darkness. The first is Hhoshekh, which is most typically used in the Torah to mean the darkness of a night sky or a dark pit. The second word we have for darkness is Araphel, and it has a meaning that is something more than just darkness. In Exodus 20:21 we read, “And Moses approached the ‘Araphel’ where Adoni was.”

So often, even in our own Torah, we associate the darkness with evil, light with goodness. But here in Exodus we are reminded of ‘Araphel.’ Of the darkness in which Adoni comes to us….


BUSH Burnz @TheBushIsBurning – March 1

#ProjectAraphel #KapoorSpeaks: “To build a sculpture that is not a sculpture, just a hole in space. This to me is a parallel for any God”

Reference Research

Excerpt translated from the Xhong Hua Da Dian (The Great Encyclopedia of China), Vol. 78 page 576:

Kowloon Walled City –  (Hong Kong Island, 1960 to 1999) On a site measuring 100 meters by 100 meters were squeezed some 288 buildings, rising 288 meters or more and so tightly packed that no alleyways, stairwells or corridors existed between them. Referenced by locals as “The city of Darkness.”


Excerpted from Hindu Mythology, Vedic and Puranic, by W.J Wilkins [1900] page 272:

Sankara replied: “I am, O lovely one, without a shelter, a constant wanderer in the forest.” Having spoken, Sankara with Sati, remained through the hot season in the shadow of tall trees until the season of the sun succeeded into dark clouds…

…Having spoken thus, Siva stopped a cloud of darkness, and with the daughter of Daksha, fixed his abode within it.


found in the Al-Ahram Gate, 15/01/2016, translated from Arabic:


Wanted: 288 Free spirits [alhurrat ruh], make MILLIONS!

Have you desired always a life of high art and culture? Now is your chance! Do not just see art, BE ART NOW, in the desert of Sinai. Must have good vision; be strong of limb, and craving to adventure. Successful applicants will be granted opportunity to earn as much as 10 million EGP upon completion of exhibition. No obscenity or disgracing required, just two week commitment in the month of March. Call +20 0800 351 5189 for this once in a life time opportunity to be a part of Project Araphel.

Bird Song

Sinai, Egypt – A bird song, of the Sand Grouse, recorded and transcribed into English 21/01/2015:

We fly no more toward mountain home

where darkness come and kissed Earth stone

Abyss to eye that knows no end

consuming sky its tendrils rend


From: Editor@blackunicornpress.org

To: Blackunicornpress@gmail.com

Date: Friday, March 3, 2016 at 4:08am CST

Subject: Project (A)raphel


Been a while. Took me a turn to get out here to St. Catherine from Cairo but our contact came through with the information. Whatever is happening out here in the desert is happening soon.  The luxury bus that was transporting the participants beat me out here and has already left for Kapoor’s camp earlier this morning (it is just after noon Sinai time). Apparently “The Artist”, as he is being referred to around here, arrived about a month ago to finish up the project, and hasn’t been seen in town since. I need to be careful, because that reporter from the Chronicle has already got himself landed in jail for trying to break into the camp, and, as an American with a funny haircut, I am under close scrutiny everywhere I go. 

This whole town is crawling with hired guns and feels like a demilitarized zone. I should be able to do a little more digging however, because there are a number of international tourists in the area, who have come to poke around. Maybe some of them are willing to share a scoop.

The camp has become somewhat of an attraction, although the 20ft tall fence surrounding the place is covered in Kapoor studios posters and the only thing you can see from this distance is the ominous pitch-black mass of tower on towers that jut up over the fence into the skyline. It is hard to tell how many of them are packed in there together because the outlines of the buildings just blend together into a giant void.  It’s a weird sight, my peoples. Folks on the street are talking about how even the animals have been steering clear of the valley. All the media around this Vantablack stuff doesn’t do the creep factor of its darkness justice. 

I hear the installation is to begin at sundown. I will try to poke around a little more and get back to you with my findings.

x<3x Free

Reference Research

Excerpt from The Lesser Key of Solomon, [date unknown] by Aleister Crowley page 79:


Hearken to me, O ye Heavens! O thou spirit N._______ because thou art the disobedient one, wicked and appearest not, speaking the secrets of truth according to, living breath; I, exalted in the power of Adoni, the All powerful, the center of the circle, most powerful God who liveth, whose end cannot be, Iehevohe Tetragammaton, only creator of heaven, earth, and that dwelling of darkness, all that is in their palaces; who disposeth in secret wisdom of all things in darkness and light: Curse thee and cast thee down. Destroy thy seat, thy joy, thy power, I bind thee in the depths of Abaddon, to remain until the day of judgement, whose end cannot be.


Letter sent to the parents of Akhem Abadi postmarked 12/03/2016:

Mr. and Mrs. Abadi,

I once dared asked the question “What is the point of being a reasonable artist?” Today, under a slight distress, I find myself wishing I had a bit more reason upon which to rest these most serious circumstances.  Akhem has been a fine young man engaged in life with the ambitious heart of an adventurous dreamer. I interviewed and selected each of my nearly three hundred participants personally, and I will remember always Ahkem’s dashing chin and sparkling disposition. Yet no amount of fond remembrance can banish the mystifying uncertainty of these present circumstances.

It has been over one hundred and seventy-eight hours since we have last had contact with Ahkem, or any of the other participants for that matter. Due to the current legal investigation of this mass disappearance, I am not at liberty to reveal the exact nature of the participatory art installation in which your son has partaken. I can tell you that responsibility for this unsettling circumstance rests squarely upon my shoulders, although not one of the world’s top physicists, philosophers or religious scholars that I have consulted for my research, had predicted this as a possible outcome to my exceedingly ambitious thought-experiment. 

Two hundred and eighty-eight participants entered my project Araphel seven days ago with enough food and water to comfortably sustain them this last week. The nature of the Project, and the highly-specialized proprietary Vantablack™ uniforms worn by the participants prior to entry, has made locating anything within the Araphel quite difficult, but you should know that your son did enter the installation willingly, of able mind and body, and, as of yet, neither I nor any of these criminal forensic scientists can fathom any reason why he, or any of the other participants have yet to exit the site.

I am certain that there is some perfectly logical and reasonable explanation for why your son, and the others, have been delayed in completing the installation, and I am sure you and he will have a hearty chuckle about all of this upon being reunited. Until then, know that I, and Sinai’s finest, are hard at work attempting to dig to the root of this mystery and we will keep you informed of any further developments. In the meantime, please accept this gift, the promised payment Akhem was scheduled to receive, knowing that it will soon be followed with good news as to the whereabouts of your dearest son.

My apologies causing such alarmingly unnecessary concern,

Anish Kapoor.

DI.01.01 – Who is Tits McGee?

provided in the caption
Author: Benjamin C. Roy Cory Garrett
Illustrator: Luis Gabriel Alvarado
Rev History
Rev .00 - Original Print - ??/??/2007
Rev .01 - Digitized - 03/16/2022

 Who is Tits McGee?

A Mystery

Written by 

Benjamin C. Roy Cory Garrett

Illustrated by

Luis Gabriel Alvarado

A Black Unicorn Press Publication


Dedicated to Seth McCoy

A true Kirksville storyteller


Hayden Bell is the incestuous by-product of one diabolical sorcerer’s experiment to breed a hot air balloon with a walrus. She’s fat. She’s ugly. And she’s good for nothing except filling your ears with steam. She is a liar—and by a liar I mean she is a Fat, Ugly, Good For Nothing Storyteller. She tells Fat, Ugly stories that have, upon occasion, had the entire room laughing, but only at her. If there was a brain in her head, our condescending laughter would shame her into silence, but the girl is as dumb as the mud hole she fell out of. Us boys can spend a whole night picking fun in her direction and she’s just flattered there are fellas looking her way. Yeah, she’s dumb alright – dumb, ugly, fat, and a pain in the ass.

Now normally, I try to think about her ugly fat-ass about as much as I think about having my testicles shredded in a meat grinder, but last night she tells me she experienced something in the Ownbey Cemetery that I’d never believe in one-thousand years. She’s right of course that I don’t believe her—but the story itself is so perverse and macabre that I can’t help but think about just what really happened in that graveyard and how it got her panties into such a disgusting greasy knot.


Hayden’s story:

Well, I was walking out boundary road, going out to DJ’s farm for his birthday barbeque—the one that you never showed up at—Umhm. I tried calling you up to see if I could catch a ride, and I even tried calling Kat, but nobody seems to answer their telephones anymore, or at least not when I am calling…Anyway it was July hot, and I was just getting roasted up. I was ruining my nice green dress, the one that momma left me when she died, getting sweatier than Cousin James when he shovels manure in the tin barn.

I was wearing myself out, nearing enough to heatstroke, when I came up on Ownbey Cemetery. Well, I got two generations of family resting in that cemetery, so I figure I got the right to rest myself down there against a tree for a bit—at least until the sun went down or a breeze picked up. So that’s what I did, except it was so nice to be sitting in the shade instead of walking in the sun that I fell fast asleep leaning against an old gnarled black walnut tree.

Hayden in the Ownbey Cemetary

When I woke up, the sun was just a crack in the sky behind me. The graveyard had grown all dusty-dark-gray but for one beam of light that streamed through the shadows of the treetops to enchant a gravestone sitting just a couple steps in front of me and off three paces to the right. It was one of those double stones—lovers stones, they call them—and lit up by that last devil ray of the sun was an inscription just under the names, Wesley and Emma J . Leech:

A grave stone proclaiming “Here two lovers lie / true in forever / just as in life.

Now, I don’t know.

Maybe it’s not the most important or beautiful thing that has ever been carved into stone. But sure as Abraham Lincoln wore a funny hat, it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever read in my simple life. I was spell-struck and love-bound—sucked into that sentence, and drawn toward the stone—crawling through the grass on my hands and knees like a hog to her slop trough.

As I drew near, an affectionate breeze blew shut my eyelids—just as I reached out my arm, feeling for the edges of them chiseled little letters beneath my fingers as they basked in the last wisps of Lady Sunshine’s laughter.

At least that is what I thought I was feeling for as I stuck my arm out groping for pink granite, but what my fingertips found at the length of their grasp wasn’t no rock, but the flesh of a human being.


Oh, you can grin and snarl all you want to Mr. Tits McGee, because the sensation that shot up through my arm with that first fumbling caress was more intimately appreciated by this young lady than a mean little man like you could imagine in your cruelest fantasy.

The love and warmth I felt was nearly too much for me—and I nearly pulled my hand away in embarrassment and shock—except for somehow I knew that everything happening inside me would end as soon as I did pull my hand away. Well, whatever else may come, I wasn’t going to be the one to separate myself from the tenderness of that caress—not for anything. I could die there in that graveyard, happy in the warmth of that skin against my palm.

It did even better than kill me, though.

As I knelt there in dry hot dirt, letting love, Yes I said LOVE, flow up my arm, each and every molecule between my fingertip and my chest danced radiation through 360 degrees of the congregating atoms making up the rest of me. L-O-V-E, Tits. Maybe you don’t know what “IT” is but you know what I am spelling out. I was in communion with spirits lost in each other between heaven and hell and giving no Goddamn about it. I am telling you that Wesley and Emma J. Leech made Love (I say it again, Love) to me there that evening, transcendent through 80 years of earth, death, and a stone of skin.

My knees trembled and ached against the parched earth, but it wasn’t pain that shimmied down my shins or snaked up my thighs. It was an experience beyond experience, and I tell you that I thundered and stormed my every last pleasure onto that patch of soil and sod, prostrated down before that monument to lasting love.

Hayden experiencing love astride a tombstone.

Don’t you dare make that face at me Mr. McGee. I know you wank your willie freely in this smelly little cave you use to close yourself off from the world, but your merry little squirts are infantile and pathetic. You cannot compare the masturbations of a bitter ignorant fool to an eclipse of body and spirit.

For Christ sake, a woman like me wouldn’t and shouldn’t even know that there was such a difference unless she had been exalted upon the evening epiphany table of those vampiric Leeches.

Shit, Tits, do you understand the significance of what I am saying? Last night I lost my immortal virginity in a flood that drenched one Earth only to leave another barren dry. You think I am being over dramatic? Well, you’re probably right. I’m still just the heat, wind, and dust of a human being, just like you.

But miracle or tragedy, it makes no difference in the grand scheme of things, Tits McGee, because I’d rather spend the rest of my life dying of thirst than sucking at the stream of piss you’re sinking in.